Copyright Policy

copyright policyCopyright policy of

The website is created by using WordPress, Apache, PHP, and web technology. The copyright policy for is as under.

All the content on is Copyright (c) 2020, the name of the website is My Computer Notes.

All the logos, images, trademarks used on the website belong solely to the respective owners. Any type of copying or reproducing the content of this website will be considered illegal and subject to jurisdiction.

You can view our pages, posts, and articles published on our website free of cost. You can also save and get a hard copy of our pages and posts for your personal use. But you don’t have the right to reproduce or sell our contents of this website.

You can save our data for your personal use on your device. You may even approach us to copy and distribute the content of this website for a generous cause on a requirement basis.

But, copying and distributing the content of our website without due permission is an offense and subject to jurisdiction. You will not be allowed to use this website for any unlawful, illegal, fraudulent, or harmful action to anyone.

All rights reserved for the contents of No part of this website may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means. Including photocopying, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, write to the publisher of the website

If you found any unlawful content or data on our website please contact us.

We keep a strict vigil on activities by users on our website. Please be careful about our copyright policy.

If we found or discover any misuse of our copyright data, we will do the legal proceedings against them accordingly.

You can request us to use our copyright data through our contact us page.