Verify and Configure IPv6 Address

In this session of CCNA tutorials, we are going to discuss how to verify and configure IPv6 address. In the earlier session, we have discussed the basic concept of IPv6 address and its types.

Configure and verify IPv6 address

configure and verify ipv6 address


How to enable IPV6 address in router interface

By default, Ipv6 address are not enabled  in Cisco router. To enable IPv6 Address in cisco router, the following command is used to enable ipv6 address  globally.

Router1# configure terminal

Router(config)#ipv6 unicast-routing

Next, enable IPv6 on each router interface.

Router(config)#interace gigabitethernet 0/0

Router(config-if)#no shutdown

Th figure below shows how to enable IPv6 in router interface.

enable ipv6 address

IPv6 Address Configuration Types

There are mainly two ways to configure or assign  IPv6 address in  the Cisco devices.

  • Static Unicast Address Configuration
  • Dynamic Unicast Address Configuration

Static Unicast Address Configuration

The static unicast  address can be configured in two ways in router interface.

  • Full 128 bit address configuration
  • Configuring only 64 bit prefix and the other half  of the address is derived by router itself using its interface MAC address.

Configure full 128 bit address

The IOS command for configuring full 128 bit length IPv6 address router interface  is

ipv6 address address/prefix length

Let us take an example to show how to configure full 128 not length address

Router#configure terminal

Router(config)#interface GigabitEthernet 0/0

Router(config-if)#ipv6 address 2001:db8:1111:8::10/64

The figure below shows how full 128 bit length address is configured.

Configure full 128 bit address

Verify full length IPv6 address Configuration

verify ipv 6 address

Configuring IPv6 address using modified eui-64

The second option for  configuring IPv6 address  is by generating unique interface ID modified eui-64,  sometimes also known as eui-64.

ipv6 address address/prefix eui-64


modified eui-64 format

EUI-64 method tells the router to configure interface ID using the device MAC address in which the hexadecimal field 0xFFFE is inserted in between the equal half of the MAC address .

Router(config)#interface gigabitethernet 0/0

Router(config-if)#ipv6 address 2001:db:1111:1::/64 eui-64


Let us suppose MAC address of the device is 12-34-56-AB-CD-EF

The following rules are followed to generate interface ID out of MAC address

  1. Divide the 48 bt MAC address inot equal halfs.
  2. Insert FFFE in between them.
  3. Convert the first two bytes of MAC into 8 bits.
  4. Invert the seventh bits.
  5. Convert them back to hexadecimal format.

conversion of mac to interface id

Configuring and verifying IPv6 address using eui-64 method

configure and verify ipv6 addresses

Dynamic Unicast Address Configuration

  • Stateful DHCP
  • Stateless Address Auto configuration (SLAAC)

Stateful DHCP configuration

IPv6 uses DHCPv6 to statefully assign IPv6 address to the clients. DHCPv6 is upgraded version of DHCPv4 . The stateful DHCPv6 server takes the control of assigning IP address to the clients.It also keeps the record of all the clients’ IPv6 address and stores information about them.

The following IOS command is used to configure stateful DHCP address to the router inteface.

Router(config)#interface gigabitethernet 0/0

Router(config-if)# ipv6 address dhcp

Stateless Address Auto Configuration (SLAAC)

SLAAC is a unique feature for ipv6 addressing. For stateless configuration it doesnot need the service of DHCP server. The client assign the ip address to itself based on prefisxbeing advertised to its connected interface. This unique feature is poularly knowas as SLAAC. All the cisoc device have this unique features for stateless auto configuration of IPv6. Hoever the SLAAC dowsnto provide IP to the clients that are ouside the default gateway. SLAAC uses link-local address nand mac address to auto confiure the ip address to the device interface.

Here is the command line to configure Stateless Address Atuo configuration to the router inteface.

Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0

Router (config-if)ipv6 address autoconfig default

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